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The Past

Prometheus Electronics LLC incorporated in 2008, with the launch of the ScanSuite boundary scan platform. Both the software environment and hardware have seen substantial upgrades, based primarily on customer requirements. Software upgrades include the addition of native RS232 support, automatic fault coverage reporting, importing / exporting data to / from a digital test, improved diagnistics, and more. Hardware improvements include migration to an FPGA based POD architecture, the addition of the Digital, Analog, and TAP / Power Isolator Modules, and the release of the Athena Mixed Signal Platform.


The Present

We provide hardware and software to a wide array of customers. Our niche continues to be onshore manufactured, high-tech, high-mix, low-to-mid-volume products.


The Future

Our goal is consistent, manageable growth through customer and market diversification. By earning your business. Looking forward, we see room for additional enhancements in both hardware and software. The need to maintain a competitive edge prevents us from providing technical details, but we can say that our aggressive pricing and committment to excellence will remain at the root of all current and future products.





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