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DotP is a revolutionary technology which enables multigigabit bandwidth via JTAG.

Conventional JTAG is bandwidth limited. Digital signals operate at frequencies much closer to DC than normal operating speed.

DotP virtually eliminates this bandwidth limitation, making it possible to observe high speed signalling characteristics.

This includes
      Signal propagation times (currently 5.6GHz granularity)
      AC coupling capacitor characterization / value inference
      Bus bandwidth measurement
      Bus weak point / minimum bandwidth trace detection
      PWB characterization and artifact detection
      (trace geometry / PWB chemistry / PWB geometry)
      Pseudo eye chart generation capability

Until now, issues with high speed digital signals were difficult to detect.
Conventional JTAG can detect gross defects (shorts / opens), but is unable to detect issues which arise at normal operating speeds.
Oscilloscopes and logic analyzers influence the signal they measure, and are frequently not possible when signals are buried.

DotP provides granular insight into characteristics of high speed digital signals, without these limitations

US Patent 10101390

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